Leonardo DiCaprio finally gets an Oscar


Sam Dean

Leo finally did it, he finally got his Oscar.

This 41-year-old actor was awarded an Oscar on Sunday night for his role in The Revenant. DiCaprio has been the subject of many internet memes regarding the fact that he is one of the greatest actors of his generation and he hadn’t received an award that the whole world seemed to think he deserved. But now we can say goodbye to those jokes and celebrate his success.

Over the years DiCaprio has starred in many amazing films including Titanic, The Aviator, Wolf of Wall Street and What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. 

In his acceptance speech he thanked his directors, family and friends. He also took a moment to inform viewers of the seriousness of climate change and the importance of supporting leaders who work to improve the lives of all of humanity and protect us all instead of catering towards big corporations. He ended his speech with “Let us not take this planet for granted, I do not take tonight for granted.”

Leo’s win brought joy to many people across the world, they are all happy to see him get an award that he deserves. So let us not take this planet for granted, and let us not take Leo for granted.