The Ghost Went Boo!


The most frequently used social media bases are Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter. All rated with a 4+ review on the app store or play store, but for some reason Snapchat went down to a 1.9 in a matter of minutes. On February 6th, the Snapchat industry decided to change the full display of our social media account.
For those who have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)  probably deleted their icon for snap. All on the left side it use to have just your messages or snaps your friends would send you and on the right side when you would slide it you could see people’s stories. Well, that has all changed! Now when you swipe to your left you can see your messages AND their actual own stories that they have been posting. In order to see their story you will have to click the circle bitmoji to be able to watch but watch out don’t click on the conversation because it will look like you’re trying to start a conversation, oops! This may effect those who are OCD for the fact that it isn’t something they will feel comfortable with especially if they can’t go back to their old update.
Instagram and Twitter have been reposting and sharing a so called “helpful hand” to give you back your old Snapchat. The steps for is are; delete your Snapchat app, turn off your update app store on your settings and redownload Snapchat. After you have completed that you will type your username but press “forgot password” reset your password and log back in and you should have your 2017 Snapchat! It doesn’t quite work on everyone’s phones but many have recovered it.
“I dislike it and I think we should get our old Snapchat back. It’s not very satisfying to see everything bundled up,” Beverly Monterroso, RHHS student, said.

The people have spoken Snapchat; bring back the old update. In with the old and out with the new.