Students Create Art Physically, Digitally

Dustin Hector (left) and Rory Unwer (12) interject fun into graphic design class!

Destiny Hogan

Graphic Design students  practice in a variety of design processes for later use in college and their careers. 

The course is split into two semesters with the first semester focusing on foundational skills and the second semester focusing on interactive projects, which can vary from making a card to designing the contents of a book. 

“A lot of things, usually looking for inspiration online, figuring out what goes together and using them in our assignments,”Rory Unwer (12) said to sum up the assignments in the class.

Taught by Dustin Hector, the class gives many lessons and opportunities towards design aspects which can be useful for early college and career. 

“I’d like to go into a form of graphic design when I graduate and I heard how fun it could be from my brother,” said Noelle Chitty (12) about why she decided to take the class. 

While the projects can be as easy as the students choose to make them, the amount of effort put into the projects has an impact on grades. depending on the amount of effort put into the project will determine the grade of said project and the class itself. 

Class comes in two parts, graphic design one & two both taught by the same instructor and given glowing reports on how fun and creative the class can be. However to enter the class you must have completed an art credit to proceed.  

“Graphic Design is communicating without words,” Hector said about the importance of his course. 

This specific class is able to expand imaginative ideas and skills used in the real world and while learning such needed information in a fun and interactive way.