New Year, New US


Indigo Kroll, Editor

It’s the start of 2017; President Obama is still in office, but not for much longer. After serving the country for eight years, the first African-American president will be leaving the White House. Check out what he accomplished throughout his two terms in this article. Watch for his Farewell Address on January 10th.

It’s uncertain what we can expect from the political world in 2017. The past few months have been rough for the US government, so we can only hope that it will get better from here. Major events are coming up quickly, including Inauguration Day, which is January 20th. President-elect Trump and his vice-president will be sworn in on that date.

Meanwhile, many others are being sworn in, including those moving into office in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Soon, hearings for Trump’s nominees for various government positions will begin in the Senate. It is likely that the hearings will go quickly.

This year is bound to be interesting for the United States. New year, new US.