Heritage Orchestras Showcase Talent at Folk Fest
September 20, 2021
The Rogers Heritage High School Orchestra had all three orchestras at the Railyard Stage on Tuesday, Sept. 14. Concertina played “Keel Row.” Intermezzo played “Star of County Down” and “Hatikvah.” Sinfonia played “Tango Lono.”
At the Railyard, Ballet Folklorico Herencia de México performed dances on the stage. There was also a Mariachi band who played between groups.

“No one can whistle a symphony alone, it takes a whole orchestra to play it,” Jacqueline Ledbetter (12) said.
Ledbetter is the first chair in the Intermezzo orchestra and has been playing the violin for 7 and a half years.

The Folk Fest allowed the orchestras from Lingle, Oakdale, and Heritage to start off an amazing year!