From Nothing To Running

Diego Valdez

The C25k is a program that conditions people to run 5k (3.1 miles) in 9 weeks. This  year, PE classes are using this program because we have gotten out of quarantine, and we need to  get back into exercising.

 This program was made by Josh Clark in 1996. He developed this plan to motivate new runners through manageable expectations. 

This is what the beginning of the program looks like

Week 1: 5-minute walk then a 1-minute jog every day.
Week 2: 5-minute walk and a 90-second jog daily.
Week 3: 5-minute warm-up walk, followed by a 90-second jog and a 90-second walk. You end with a 3-minute jog and a 3-minute walk.

The program gets more difficult as you go on. 

Couch to 5k uses interval training, which is when you switch between two different activities which make you run/walk at different speeds. Interval training helps you get adapted to different rates of speed, and it also builds up your stamina. 

Couch to 5k is so popular and accessible because you don’t need to be fit.

Members of The Talon staff have sat down to ask Coach Tinsley two questions that people are wondering. 

Does running release endorphins to improve your mood? 

“It is a good stress reliever, and yes it can improve your mood,” Coach Tinsley said.

Does running reduce anxiety and depression?

“It can and it depends on the individual, and it releases stress and it helps with my anxiety,” Coach Tinsley said.