Bottle Filling Water Stations


Monica Sanchez, Writer

On a normal basis, there are always people that stroll up to water fountains not only to drink directly from them but also to fill up their water bottles. However, there is always a hassle with manipulating the bottle in just the right manner so that water will not spill all over your hands and with making the bottle fill up completely.

I am here to inform you that there is a solution to your water bottle filling needs.

There is a self-water bottle filling station that, as it fills your bottle with ease, also saves more water than an ordinary fountain would. It is as magical as it sounds.

And there are five of them located in varying locations around our campus.

It all began as a community service goal for the Heritage Business Academy. Mr. Levering saw some of these hydration stations at Rogers New Technology High School and thought they would be a good addition to our school to keep our students hydrated.

Through both student and community donations, as well as grants from Walmart and Beaver Lake Water District, the Business Academy raised enough money to buy the fountains. Star Mechanical of Springdale also sold the water fountains at a great price and were even so generous as to donate an extra one.

Through hard work and generosity from others, Heritage’s students found a way to improve our school. Whenever you fill up your water bottles with the innovative new machines, appreciate the benevolence of others that brought them upon our school.