10 Alternatives to Trick-Or-Treating for Teenagers

10 Alternatives to Trick-Or-Treating for Teenagers

Bram Heilmann, Guest Writer

For those who don’t want to bother going out for deliciousness or think it’s for the little children, here are 10 ALTERNATIVES for that very situation.

10.) CANDY DUTY: Be the very person in charge of handing out treats of all sorts to anyone who comes to your door. Think about it; you get to sit back and relax while doing some side activity while snacking on whatever candy you happen to have. But the key thing you have to remember is… don’t eat it allYou don’t want to get between a trick-or-treater and his/her next treat.

9.) EAT: Food is never a bad option. But for Halloween, it is the usual tradition of the food you plan to eat to be Halloween themed. So, food is a good option. Take advantage of it.

8.) SPEAK TO THE DEAD: If you’re interested in the paranormal or in need of a little scare with your friends, possibly the best tool for this is the Ouija Board to communicate with the entities that reside in a whole other world. Just don’t do anything stupid; that’s how every scary movie involving a Ouija Board starts out.

7.) FRIENDS: Hanging out with friends is always fun, but for Halloween, just go to the creepiest place in town that you know in costume and perform any other of these alternatives that may be fun with friends.

6.) GO TO A HAUNTED HOUSE: You can’t go through October without going to at least one haunted house or maybe even working at one. Life’s no fun without a good scare, so why not make it seem as if you’re in a horror movie?

5.) DON’T BE LAZY, BUY YOUR OWN CANDY: Just go buy your own if you don’t want to go out and get some for FREE. It’s Halloween — without candy, it’d still be fun, just not as fun as with candy.

4.) NO TREAT? TRICK!!!: If you aren’t going to bother with Trick-Or-Treating at all, take away the treat. Tricking is the other fun part of Halloween. There’s nothing like scaring children and adults half to death. But another key thing you’d have to remember is… don’t break the law!  Halloween is much less fun from behind bars.  Stick to innocent and fun scares of people you know.

3.) Maybe PARTY!!: Halloween parties can be really fun, depending on how much work was put into it and if is anyone actually there. A bowl of peeled grapes and a plate of cold spaghetti in a dark room are classic props to any great, scary party.

2.) SCARY MOVIE MARATHON: On Halloween, without a scary movie in the dead of night seems extremely unnatural. You have to watch at least ONE horror film on the night of All Hallows Eve. IT IS TRADITION!

1.) NO ALTERNATIVE!!!: No alternative, just get some glorious FREE CANDY. What is bad about getting dressed in a awesome costume of your choosing and getting FREE deliciousness. IT’S FREE!!!!

All of these are acceptable options because they have all been done on Halloween night by thousands of people and if you have no idea what you could do, these options are good choices. Do them ALL if you need to. It’s always a fun time on the night of  All Hallows’ Eve.

Have fun and be safe!