Wilderness First Aid Training

April 13, 2018
Beginning this summer, Rogers New Technology High School will host a Wilderness First Aid Training course. The seminar will be free of cost, so if you are interested in learning about how to aid people who are injured in the wilderness, this opportunity may be valuable to you!
Through this program, participants will be trained on how to use important yet basic first aid skills that may be used on people who become injured or sick while in the outdoors. You may be thinking that you never go into the wilderness, but these skills will be applicable if you go camping, hiking, canoeing, or any activity that is not within close proximity of medical assistance.
Participants will learn basic first aid skills, become certified in CPR and AED, which will be designed for first aid assistance, first aid skills geared toward wilderness emergencies (animal/snake bites, lightening strike, frostbite, broken bones, unexpected weather conditions, etc.), and some survival skills.
The Training will begin on Wednesday, June 6th from 8am until 5pm. The following Thursday and Friday are at the same times. Saturday, June 9th, the training is from 8am until 1:30pm. Students will need to attend all four days to be eligible for the certification. They will provide free lunch and snacks, but you are responsible for transportation. Certifications will be issued by the American Safety and Health Institute.
Being trained in this saves lives, and you never know when someone may need the help! Please register here.