The Oscars: 2017

Monica Sanchez, Writer

Some of you may have seen what happened last Sunday night in the Oscars. It was a night full of mix-ups and surprises.

The most shocking event that occurred was when “La La Land” was mistakenly given the award for Best Picture due to a confusion with the cards. The actual winner for Best Picture was “Moonlight.” This was one of the worst Oscar mishaps in history. The “La La Land” cast and crew went up onstage exhilarated at their win; Mr. Horowitz, a producer in the film, had just delivered his speech. He somehow got his hands on the real envelope for Best Picture. Mr. Horowitz went to the microphone and said, “There’s a mistake. ‘Moonlight,’ you guys won best picture.”

Sure, it’s amazing that, after previous hate on the Oscars for constantly awarding white people more so than people of color, a film with an all-black cast was given the Oscar for Best Picture. But their glory wasn’t as great due to the confusion and disbelief onstage. The Academy said, “We apologize to the entire cast and crew of La La Land and Moonlight whose experience was profoundly altered by this error.”

The Oscars also had a memorable fashion accessory choice, worn by several of the attendees. It was a blue ribbon worn in support of the American Civil Liberties Union’s latest initiative. The ACLU has had a notable rise in support recently; nearly $25 million dollars have been donated since President Trump signed the executive order on the immigration ban.

Most award shows do not go on without some sort of political statement being made by an attendee. Gael Garcia Bernal, an actor, spoke in response to Trump’s plans to build a wall on the border between Mexico and the United States, “As a Mexican, as a Latin-American, as a migrant worker, as a human being, I’m against any form of wall that separates us.”

If you wish to see the full list of winners, visit the following link: