Students Join Native Spanish I for Better Skills

Marsha Walkers directs William Moore (10) to notice something on his Chromebook. Photo by Camila Arroyo

Camila Arroyo and Natalie Olvera

“Okay estudiantes ahora vamos aprender a escribir en español,” Marsha Walker said.  

If a student’s first language was Spanish, they can take Native Spanish I to learn how to read and write or just improve their Spanish skills. It can even help students get better jobs. 

“The kids that usually take the class usually speak Spanish, meaning mom or dad speak Spanish,” said Walker, who teaches Native Spanish I and II. “The class focuses on learning to read and write in Spanish.”

Previous Native Spanish I students also shared the benefits they get from taking the class. 

“Being in this class will help me have better pay in future jobs by being bilingual,” said Brayan Perez (11).

Another student, Jacinda Wiley (11) shared that she decided to take Spanish because she would like to be bilingual so she can help more people in her career as a therapist.

[Correction: This article was corrected to clarify that the quoted students took Native Spanish I in a previous year.]