Student Spotlight: Kassandra Rodriguez

At first glance, Kassandra Rodriguez may seem like your average student. She goes to a dental course in the mornings at NWACC, and then, later on, assists Heritage for periods 4-7. She’s been in Educational Talent Search since middle school. As for her plans after graduation, Kassandra wants to become a dental hygienist.
But for Kassandra, these activities and the desire to work in dentistry are not what motivate her. For her, it is her religion that helps her to venture through the chaos of life.
In 2011 a knock came to her door: a pair of Jehovah’s Witnesses came to preach to her family. Soon after, her father started studying with a brother from the South Spanish Congregation of Rogers. Later on, Kassandra herself began to study with a sister from the same congregation.
As Kassandra continued to study over the years, she progressed in her religion. She started to give assignments at her congregation’s meetings; she became a publisher and started to preach in 2014. On November 21st of 2015, she was baptized and officially became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
So how did the decision to be a Jehovah’s Witness affect Kassandra’s life?
“I made that decision because I knew that I had found a purpose for my life. In the past six years, I’ve made true friends, and I’ve had the most incredible experiences. I never would have thought my life would become so radically different. I thank Jehovah for allowing me to see an alternate perspective on life and blessing me with a worldwide organization to belong to. I don’t worry about vain, worldly matters or if I’m perceived as being antisocial or if people think that I don’t have many friends. I care about my goals that I have set for my future when I graduate, like doing missionary work around the world and helping construct Kingdom Halls as well. I am beyond thrilled to be able to accomplish my dreams.”

I'm a junior in need of money. If I ever seem disoriented it's because I'm thinking about dogs or Captain America.
Mike Greene • Mar 30, 2017 at 2:14 am
Few people understand what a marvelous privilege it is to be a minister for Jehovah God. It is simply the most important work one can do today! Imagine it is fulfilling both a commission and also a prophecy being accomplished 2,000 years later! Kassandra is very fortunate in having her health, family, a near future and a forever future, with eternity in view.
Kurt Frenzel • Mar 29, 2017 at 9:01 pm
Congratulations dear little sister. What you’ve experienced is just the start. As you get to know Jehovah and how much he loves us you will be overwhelmed with happiness. And, just imagine the forever he promises in paradise when Jesus rules the earth and removes all sadness. My wife and I have been Jehovah’s Witnesses for over 40 years each and still are amazed by the love of God and the brotherhood.
Kurt Frenzel
Sherry • Mar 29, 2017 at 12:10 pm
Love this article. Go Kassandra!! keep up the good work!