Staying Safe During the Holidays
December 11, 2020
Covid-19 has been affecting everyone this year. Many are concerned about how to deal with this upcoming holiday season, but there are easy ways to stay safe.
Keep It Small. Try and limit your gatherings to no more than three households. When people from different households gather together, the risk of spreading Covid rises.
Keep It Short. Limit the gathering to no longer than 2 hours. The longer people of different households are together, the greater the risk of spreading Covid is.
Social Distancing. Maintain the 6-foot social distancing rules with those of other households at all times, whether you are sitting or standing.
Cover Your Face. Wear face coverings at all times, including when talking to others. You can remove face-covering briefly to eat, drink, or take medication as long as you stay at least 6 feet away from everyone outside your own household. More distance is safer.
Keep Clean And Sanitized. Wash hands with soap and water often. If not available, use hand sanitizer.
Serve shared food safely. If it is not possible to use single-serve disposable containers, food and beverages must be served by a person who washes or sanitizes their hands frequently and wears a face covering. If you are dropping off home-prepared food or drink gifts, be sure to wear a mask and disinfect or wash your hands thoroughly.
Avoid singing, chanting, and shouting. If you cannot avoid these activities, keep your face covering on, your volume low, and at least a 6-foot distance from others.
Do your best to keep yourself, your family, and others safe by following safety guidelines this holiday season.