Spirit Weak
Kallina Sims and Pricilla Perez, seniors, dressed up for Tacky Tourist Tuesday on September 26th, 2017.
October 10, 2017
Heritage is known to have the most spirited student body in the area. Student Council organizes multiple weeks throughout the year dedicated to dressing up, having fun, and supporting our War Eagle teams. Some days are more widely participated in than others, such as Tacky Tourist day, Orange Out, Twin Tuesdays, and the highly anticipated Meme Day. Despite these creative themes, many students skip out on dressing up for spirit week. This one goes out to all the kids who think they’re too cool for school-wide festivities: you’re not.
I’ve been in that position; caught somewhere between being too insecure to dress differently than my usual attire, and acting like dressing up is below me. Freshman year I didn’t own a fanny pack. Senior year I wear my fanny pack around town on spirit days. The truth of the matter is that nobody is going to think you look weird. Nobody will think you’re lame for participating. Most of the time, nobody will even remember what you’re wearing. It’s fun to participate. Getting a little out of your comfort zone can be good. So many kids excited to wear a t-shirt of their favorite band, but won’t show spirit for a place they spend four years in.
School spirit is something every student should have because whether you like it or not, Heritage will always be a part of your memory. High school is the place where teens do a lot of growing up. School is taken almost too seriously sometimes; spirit week is an opportunity to make it a more relaxed atmosphere. It’s fun to wear mismatching outfits, do your hair crazy, and to see everyone else’s outfits on spirit days. If you don’t believe me then try it for yourself.
Don’t have weak spirit during spirit week. We do it to show encouragement for our sports teams and to have fun. Of course, there are days you won’t want to participate in, which is fine. All I’m saying is give it a chance.