Spanish I Class Raises Money for Suicide Awareness
November 6, 2020
In 2018, 48,344 Americans died by suicide.
Christhian Saavedra, the head boys soccer coach and a Spanish teacher, is raising suicide awareness with all of his Spanish I students by selling hoodies they’ve designed.
The deadline to order is midnight Sunday, Nov. 8.
The reason why Mr. Saavedra and his Spanish I students are selling hoodies is because they lost a former soccer player last year to suicide.
“We want to bring awareness to this issue, so our students and teachers that are also going through some difficult times know there are people that care about them,” Mr. Saavedra said.
They are currently at 80% of their goal, they’ve sold over 40 hoodies so far. This could be aided by the fact that the hoodies are reasonably priced at $18.
If you are interested in buying a hoodie you can visit this link or you can order in-person by visiting Mr. Saavedra’s classroom, B104.
The back of the hoodie has contact information for crisis centers and hotlines.