Quiz Bowl

October 7, 2015
Arkansas Governor’s Quiz Bowl Association is a state-wide, school versus school academic competition. It’s kind of like Jeopardy in a way, but formatted for teams. Top performing players and teams can earn money for scholarships and prestige for their school by winning at the state level. Every year, AETN (our public television station in Arkansas) broadcasts the finals competition, where the first place team receives $1500!
This year’s team is Benjamin Aitoumeziane, Hannah Robbins, George Hill, Alex Larson, Jack Kronenfeld, Gabriel David, Cora Engen, and Meranda McDermott.
They are led by Mrs. Allen, Ms. Parker, and Mr. Vest. They have a variety of practice days and study sessions students may attend. We meet on Wednesdays PM 3:45-5:00 in B-137, Thursdays AM 7:30-8:15 in D-128, or Fridays PM from 3:45-5:00 in B-137. We also offer B-LUNCH study sessions on Fridays in B-137.
How much a student chooses to participate is up to them, but they will have a better shot of going to state finals the more often they show up to practices. We always welcome new blood to the group, especially freshmen who are looking for a club where they can devote their time!