Newspaper 2018

Changes, improvements, and what to expect

At the helm of a new principal, Heritage has been going through numerous changes meant to improve grades, learning and school spirit all at once. In addition to these changes, your school newspaper is redefining its purpose. We’re here for you, and this year, the newspaper is going to bring more content catered to you than ever before. What exactly will you be seeing, and how will it change the way you read your school newspaper? It’s time for some answers.

In the past, the newspaper staff wrote, edited, and published articles without a clear schedule or mark of consistency. That’s no longer the case, as article dates are now logged and deadlines are taken more seriously. You can expect a steady flow of articles every week, written and edited meticulously before their deadlines pass.

Now that you can anticipate weekly articles backed by deadlines, that begs the question: What types of articles will be published? To answer that, let’s find out what kinds of stories students and teachers want to view this year from the newspaper, and see if we’ll deliver on those requests. In an interview with AP History teacher Ms. Troby, she says that pop culture reviews for movies, games, and books could bring in a wider audience. You’re in luck, Ms. Troby. Reviews for games like Marvel’s Spider-Man and movies such as Christopher Robin are planned, and there will no-doubt be more like them in the future. Additionally, she suggests that many articles should “lift Heritage up” and give off a positive perception of the school. Stories relating to the school’s academic achievements and students’ positive actions will be prioritized more than ever.

This year, you can expect articles about movies, games, TV and more!

Speaking of academics, 11th grader Alex recommends articles detailing courses and programs that “could help you academically”. We’ve got you covered, as the staff is keeping an eye out for study programs, extracurricular courses, and advanced classes that would yield the best academic results for students.

Pop culture reviews and academic showcases aren’t the only things readers will be getting this year. School sports news, top 5 articles, opinion pieces, and current events are all on the radar for the 2018-2019 season.

Wait, there’s still more! In addition to the consistent, weekly flow of varied online articles, print newspaper is finally making its long-awaited arrival. Arranging and planning are currently underway, and the staff expects a full-fledged, contemporary school newspaper by the end of the semester!

All of these changes are happening for one reason: you! The newspaper is going to be more relevant, consistent, and contemporary than ever before, and it’s all to make your reading experience better. Because after all, where would we be without our readers?

Click here to learn more about your friendly neighborhood newspaper staff. You can also ask questions to the staff by clicking here and submitting a form.

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