National Spanish Honor Society

October 16, 2015
The National Spanish Honor Society is a national organization with local chapters that are established at the high school level. Last year, Heritage established a chapter called Fe Luchadora (Fighting Faith). The founding officers worked with Tom Arnhart last year to establish the chapter through the national organization. They were Sabrina Garcia, Kumar Desai, and Diana Olvera.
The national organization is sponsored by AATSP- American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. The organization is similar to National Honor Society in that members have to maintain a 3.0 GPA, serve the community by doing service hours, and also attend the meetings. To become a member, the student has to have completed the first semester of a second year of foreign language study. They must fill out an application with teacher recommendations. Then, the sponsor, Mr. Tom Arnhart, has to review the applications to see if the student is eligible. After eligibility is proven, the student will receive a notice that they are invited to become an official member. Then we hold an induction in which the students are inducted into our local chapter.
Last year, we inducted 52 members into the Spanish Honor Society. Some were seniors last year and we will induct new members next semester when we once again check eligibility of this year’s Spanish students.