Creativity Connects the World: Crayola 2015-2016 Art Exhibition

November 10, 2015
Theme: How creativity connects the world.
Open to students Pre K-12th grade. Must be students original art work, 2-D, no larger than 16”x 20”. Students are encouraged to title artwork and share an inspiration statement in 50 words or less.
Teachers should submit students artwork to by Friday, February 19th, 2016.
Selected artwork will be put on display at the U.S. State Department in honor of FAPE’s 30th Anniversary (April 2016) then, the curated collection will be donated to the U.S. Department of Education to become part of the permanent collection of children’s original artwork.
Each Finalist whose work is selected for the curated collection will receive $100 worth of crayola products and a plaque featuring a replica of their work. Each finalists teacher will receive $200 worth of crayola products.
Submission Deadline: Friday, February 19th, 2016.