Art Contest!

Sam Dean

Bird Poster Contest!

Open statewide to Grades 1 through 12

Deadline November 24th, 2015

Certificates and/or cash prizes will be awarded for winners in each grade level from the garden club of Rogers. 1st Place winners will be forwarded to the statewide competition where cash and/or ribbons will also be awarded.

State winners will be announced March 2016

Contest Rules

Male Barred Owl or Male Great Blue Heron

  1. Free hand drawing using 11×17 inch paper
  2. Use watercolor, pastels, crayon pencil, markers or pen and ink.
  3. Posters will be judged for correct markings, shape, color and neatness
  4. The bird must be the focal point of the picture.
  5. Write entrant’s name, grade, school, teacher and garden clubs name on the back of each poster. No names on the front of the poster.

Your garden club contact is:

Ellen Byars

81 Rivercliff Rd. Rogers, Ar 72756

Cell: 479-466-9980  Home:479-925-3035