Art Contest!
November 9, 2015
Bird Poster Contest!
Open statewide to Grades 1 through 12
Deadline November 24th, 2015
Certificates and/or cash prizes will be awarded for winners in each grade level from the garden club of Rogers. 1st Place winners will be forwarded to the statewide competition where cash and/or ribbons will also be awarded.
State winners will be announced March 2016
Contest Rules
Male Barred Owl or Male Great Blue Heron
- Free hand drawing using 11×17 inch paper
- Use watercolor, pastels, crayon pencil, markers or pen and ink.
- Posters will be judged for correct markings, shape, color and neatness
- The bird must be the focal point of the picture.
- Write entrant’s name, grade, school, teacher and garden clubs name on the back of each poster. No names on the front of the poster.
Your garden club contact is:
Ellen Byars
81 Rivercliff Rd. Rogers, Ar 72756
Cell: 479-466-9980 Home:479-925-3035