ACT Aspire

March 4, 2016
Each year there are lengthy state-mandated standardized tests students are required to take. You’re all familiar with PARCC, the standardized test that was distributed in Arkansas last year. This year, PARCC has been replaced by the ACT Aspire. The new test will be given online to all students between third grade and tenth grade.
The reason? The ACT Aspire is designed to assess student progress towards college and career readiness. The PARCC tests student’s knowledge of mathematics and language arts while on the computer. The PARCC is a mix of several elements (math, English, science) in one test, which confuses students more than it benefits them. Although both are on the computer, the ACT Aspire generally avoids some of the confusion found in PARCC because the format of the test is different. The ACT Aspire test benefits those who take it because it prepares students for the actual ACT test by simply exposing students to the format and material multiple times before the real ACT.
Wary parents worry that their third grader is unprepared for this type of test, but the state assures parents that testing in elementary-school benefits the students. In fact, testing the younger students in the state is better for them than it is for the older students. Younger students will have more exposure and experience with this type of test. Arkansas isn’t the only state that decided to make the switch; South Carolina and Alabama were the first to take the ACT Aspire.
Think about it like this: athletes practice plays over and over again so that they know exactly what will be going down in the actual game, in the same way, the ACT Aspire test prepares students for the ACT. With the new test, students will be assessed on the Common Core State Standards for reading, writing, English, math, and science. The scores students receive will categorize them into one of three groups: Ready, Close, or In Need Of Support. The ACT Aspire will be given between April 11 and May 13.
For more information on the ACT Aspire, visit this website.