Yaretzy Padilla
A Heritage wrestler takes down an opponent on Dec. 3.
The 2024-2025 wrestling season is beginning and Heritage wrestlers are excited about what is to come.
This year there will be one freshman game, five JV games, 14 girls games, and 15 varsity games. There are 14 different weight classes with one athlete representing every class per tournament. A tournament lasts all day, whereas a duel lasts about an hour. There are three 2-minute periods per match.
You can win a match by a pin when you put both shoulder blades down on the mat, or by having more points at the end of the third period. If wrestlers don’t make a certain weight before a match, the match is closed. The Heritage High School wrestlers have been hard at work for this season since the spring and throughout the summer.
“Because you want to be at the top of your weight class and you either have to gain a good amount of weight or lose a good amount of weight,” said Jackson Moseley (9).
Wrestlers are not allowed to wrestle if they are over the set weight class for a duel or tournament. Still, on the off chance that they are on the lighter side of their weight class, they will likely get dominated by the opposing wrestler.
A way some wrestlers at this school stay at the top of their weight class is by wearing sweatpants and hoodies while doing cardio or lifting weights to lose water weight, while also being in a calorie deficit for weeks.
“In most physical sports, it is good to know to have a low and athletic position, and wrestling really helps with that. It helps keep me in shape and it helps me build muscle. I just feel more athletic,” said Moseley.
Wrestling is a sport that can help you get prepared for other activities such as football, soccer, basketball, etc. Wrestling can greatly improve players’ stamina, speed, and strength. A number of wrestlers have come over from football and feel it is helping their overall athleticism and wrestling, especially assisting football players’ stance when tackling, which almost fully depends on who is lower, aiding players’ block.
“I feel so hyped about the upcoming season. It is very good. I can’t wait for my first big wrestling experience,” said Peter Hu (9).