This year, with COVID-19 forcing our school district to implement new methods of learning, we will have two days of virtual learning added to our Thanksgiving Break.
Many students were unaware of the break, and their opinions wavered across the board about virtual learning during the break. Some students were unfazed by the news while others found it unfair to have time taken away from their break.
Among students there was an overarching misinterpretation about the break and it’s details. Several students confided that they were completely unaware of the virtual learning schedule at the beginning of the break.
“I was not aware of the virtual learning at the start of our Thanksgiving break,” said Freshman Jackson Holmes. “In my opinion, I don’t like virtual learning. It makes it harder for me to understand the subject.”
Holmes’ response was common for many students. However, a few students were completely unconcerned about the break, and one student said that he believed it would be a simple work day, with a “light workload.”
Principal Jim Davis emailed the staff regarding the remote learning days at the beginning of November.
“Monday, November 23 and Tuesday, November 24 will be Remote Learning Days (RESET, RECHARGE, REJUVENATE),” he wrote, including that the days are similar to the virtual learning days in October.
The teachers affirmed that the two days will be very relaxed, with the workload determined by individual teachers. The school will not mandate an assignment for every student.
This break should be an initiative to reset, recharge, and rejuvenate! Students will be required to do whatever is assigned to them, but teachers are encouraged to keep the work light so everyone can return from Thanksgiving rested and ready to finish the semester strong. Hopefully any confusion amongst the students is diffused.