Adrienne Clark
Despite the fast pace of the learning cycles, teachers still support their students to help them feel less overwhelmed.
The average learning cycle is four weeks with two CFAs and one CSA with eight cycles in a school year; this means 24 tests per year just for one class and a full schedule of 7 classes could mean students are required to take about 160 tests in a year which many students are finding stressful.
The pressure of testing in itself causes major anxiety for students. The impact these tests have on student grades has become very significant. Since grades are taught to be the deciding factor of one’s future, having these high numbers of tests that typically all fall on the same week or even day is very stressful.
When asked if these high amounts of tests are overwhelming students, English teacher Elizabeth Turley said, “From what I’ve heard from students, yes because it tends to be in the same week or even same day. I know we’ve looked at ways to [have fewer quizzes] but it’s still a lot of tests.”
Many students have a full schedule of seven classes all with different subjects and lesson topics. What seems to be the issue for some students isn’t the amount of tests, but the fact that all tests fall on the same day.
“I think having two CFAs and one CSA is pretty standard. I say the biggest issue is when all the classes have a CFA or a CSA on the same day, I feel like that can be stressful,” said Mia Hernandez (11).
While the learning cycle may help the classroom learning stay consistent and structured, the learning cycle is implementing multiple tests per year that adds a lot on the student’s plate. The responsibility of understanding information, doing assignments, acing tests along with managing activities like jobs, relationships with family and friends and finding time for themselves our students seem to be struggling. Students sometimes find themselves having to stay up late just to study and then lacking sleep the next day.
While teachers and administrators agree we can’t necessarily lower the amount of tests, the best way to help manage everything is to set times for specific things to do and take time to relax for the benefit of your mental health.