Home Alone is a Heritage fan favorite.
After interviewing students and teachers of Rogers Heritage High School, the majority say Home Alone is the best Christmas movie. The top favorite Christmas movie choice was Home Alone due to its blend of humor, heartwarming moments and the display of lighthearted chaos within families during the holiday season, creating a relatable and nostalgic experience. Its iconic slapstick comedy, memorable quotes, and festive setting make it a timeless holiday classic enjoyed by all ages.
The other top two Christmas movies people chose were The Grinch and Elf. For many people, How the Grinch Stole Christmas is a favorite Christmas movie because it captures the transformative power of kindness, community, and the true meaning of Christmas. Its quirky humor, memorable characters and heartwarming message about redemption resonate deeply.
Others say the movie Elf is a favorite Christmas movie because of its perfect blend of childlike wonder, quirky humor, and heartwarming message about the importance of family and believing in the magic of Christmas. Will Ferrell’s lovable performance as Buddy the Elf brings a unique charm to the film, making it both hilarious and endearing, while its festive spirit and whimsical tone make it a holiday favorite for all ages.
“Home Alone is my favorite Christmas movie to watch during Christmas time because it gives me the giggles and because I get to spend time with my family while eating popcorn and drinking my hot chocolate with my melted marshmallows while watching the movie,” said Cynthia Shasteen (9).
Cynthia loves getting to spend time with her family during the cold holidays, while cozying up, watching a great Christmas movie while drinking hot chocolate and eating popcorn and candy.
“My favorite Christmas movie is Home Alone because the kid in the movie gets in all kinds of trouble and it’s so funny to watch,” said Belinda Jones, CTE teacher.
Jones adores all six of the Home Alone movies made by 20th century studios to spread a message that though sometimes families fight, they’ll always find each other again.
“Home Alone is my favorite because the aesthetics put into the movie, the creativity and all the traps that you see the kevin place all around the house, shows a lesson to not leave your kids at home unsupervised.” said Isaiah Valdez (9).