Food Drive Competition

Every year, Heritage High School and Rogers High School face off not only in football, but in a community food drive.  Last year, Heritage High was the champion on both counts; let’s keep that tradition alive!  From September 28th through October 2nd, students are encouraged to bring food items to their advisory teacher’s classroom.  The food drive this year is sponsored by Chick-fil-a and the Samaritan Community Center.

Last year, the Samaritan Market supplied food to over 50,800 people, including 23,701 children.  SnackPacks for Kids prepared and distributed more than 254,000 snackpacks to children at-risk for weekend hunger.  The Samaritan Cafe served more than 92,700 meals to hungry NWA neighbors.

Requested items include: boxed pasta meals, cake mixes, cake frosting, canned beans, canned soup, canned vegetables, cereal (large & small boxes), dried beans, Easy Mac bowls, fruit snacks, individual pretzel packets, macaroni & cheese, microwave pasta meals, Nutri Grain Fruit Bars, oatmeal packets, pasta noodles, peanut butter, pudding cups, slim jims, spaghetti sauce, raisins, rice.

Non-food staples needed: Deoderant (men’s and women’s), diapers (size 4,5&6), shampoo, toothpaste.

Beat Those Mounties!