Gavin Jordan
Player 14, Max Howard, blocks opposing Player 1, Darius Eason, on the home basketball game Friday, Nov. 8.
With the basketball season starting, the varsity team has been putting in work to make sure they do well this year as they prepare for their games.
Although the team has had a rough start with more losses than wins, each recent game has been close, with the players giving it their all until the end. Despite the tough start, the players and coach feel that things are starting to click, and the team is confident about their upcoming games.
“I think we had a slow start, but we [are going to] get onto it,” said Bryson Jackson (12), showing the team’s determination.
The players have been working hard, both on and off the court, focusing on perfecting their games. With early-morning workouts and late-night shooting sessions, everyone is putting in effort.
“I get shots in outside of practice, and I work on my vertical inside and outside my home,” said Ryker Kimes (11), showing his dedication to improving his game.
The team’s strong work ethic has been obvious in every practice, with players pushing themselves and each other to get better every day. Both the players and coaches feel confident about the potential of this season. While there’s still work to be done, the players believe in the team’s ability to grow and improve.
“I think we’ve got some growing to do, and I think we’ll do that but we’ve got some good pieces and I’m looking forward as we go through the season,” said Coach Olsen, encapsulating his exhilaration for the coming games.