When it comes to school, standardized testing is the most dreaded part of the year for students. Nonetheless, it’s still crucial for strengthening their academic futures and displaying their learning progress to the state. The ACT Aspire has been the test of choice for the past few years; however, it has subsequently been the subject of student debate over its effectiveness, especially in regards to prepping students for the real ACT. Some think the Aspire serves its purpose well, while others believe it fails to get students prepared for the real thing.
“The ACT Aspire has prepared me for the ACT, because it asked the same types of questions that would be on the actual test,” said sophomore Grant Holland. Comparing the ACT Aspire to previous standardized tests, such as Benchmark and PARCC, Holland said, “I prefer the Aspire, because its format of the questions is almost the same as the ACT.”
Sophomore Tommy Boyer praised the computerized format of the test for its efficiency and accessibility in comparison with its on-paper predecessors.”The ACT Aspire gives you an early look at what the test will look like. It keeps you from going in blind,” said Boyer. “I prefer the Aspire because it is online, making it easier to navigate.”
These are common sentiments among students who have taken the Aspire, and many believe its near-identical format to that of the ACT makes it a worthwhile tool for getting them prepared. That being said, there are still a number of complaints to be made towards the standardized test. “I would change the English time frame, because it seems too short of a time for that many reading prompts,” Holland said. “Not to mention, I would change the story prompts, as they get repetitive.”
Holland isn’t the only one who feels this way. Boyer has taken both the ACT Aspire and the ACT, and he has some complaints about the former. “[The makers of the ACT Aspire] need to change the prompts yearly. I have seen the same prompt for three years straight,” said Boyer.
Students seem to have varying opinions on the standardized ACT Aspire, which is leaving many satisfied and prepared, but nonetheless displeased with the repetitive nature of the test. Getting students ready for a huge test like the ACT is no easy task, but with the necessary changes, the Aspire can become a better test for everyone.